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Homoeopathy is being studied as possible future of medicine. It is a natural, holistic healing system discovered by Dr Samuel Hahnemann of Germany. For more than 250 years it has successfully treated acute and chronic diseases and helped people all over the world to live in good health. It works on the principle of ‘like cures like’. Contrary to some other systems which suppress symptoms, it stimulates body’s inner healing ability (immune system) to fight disease and brings on natural positive health. (Please see our section on Homoeopathy for details about Homoeopathy and its working methodology)..

The benefits of Homoeopathy are :

It works on Nature’s Laws of Health and therefore creates harmony of body and mind with nature.

It is safe & non toxic with no side effects.

It is non addictive and non habit forming.

It is easy, cost effective and pleasant to take.

It is suitable even in infants, elderly and pregnancy.

It is effective even in severe chronic diseases and psychiatric disorders.

It is proactive & preventive.

It does not wait till disease occurs and damages the body.

It prevents sickness from developing.

It is positive.

It improves the health status thereby giving vigor to live.

It is complimentary.

There is no contradiction with allopathic / conventional medicine. It can be integrated well to work in a synergistic manner.

Homoeopathy has proved its effectiveness in acute and chronic diseases, from common cold to early stages of cancer, in clinics around the world. According to various polls conducted, 75 to about 90 % people from various countries have shown satisfaction with their Homoeopathic treatment for ailments including arthritis, asthma, hypertension, anxiety, psoriasis IBS, PMS, sleeplessness, migraine etc. Many clinical studies have confirmed that in addition to treatment of sickness, Homoeopathy improves overall health and can prevent sickness. It works well both as complimentary treatment to conventional medicine and as frontline (primary) treatment..

Yes Homoeopathy differs from conventional medicine in a number of ways. Homoeopathy is holistic. It takes clinical, physical, psychological and life span and lifestyle assessment into consideration for selecting appropriate medicine. Homoeopathy treats a sickness by stimulating body’s natural healing ability (immunity). There are no routine medicines in Homoeopathy. Its treatment is individualistic which is decided by a doctor after thorough assessment of patients clinical, physical, psychological, and lifestyle status.

Those who are suffering from acute or chronic disease. It treats both physical and psychological diseases. Those who are not finding relief in conventional medicine. It works well along with conventional system of medicine by improving overall relief and reducing side effects. Those who wish to avoid surgery like in nasal polyp, recurrent tonsillitis, ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, prostate hypertrophy, kidney / gall stones, piles, warts, fistula in ano, varicose veins, gastric ulcer, vocal nodule, fibroadenoma breast etc. Those who wish to improve health status and move towards positive state of health with better immunity and vigor. It successfully treats the psychosomatic complaints (sickness with psychological cause). For example stress induced asthma / hypertension. Those who wish to prevent occurrence of physical or psychological diseases..